Record Numbers of Christmas Tax Returns
The number of tax returns submitted over the three core days of the Christmas period has reached a record. The number has been rising for several years, and continued to do so in 2013.
The busiest of the three days was Christmas Eve. Roughly 17,000 people chose the day before Christmas to submit an online tax return. Christmas Eve 2012, by contrast, saw just 14,330 online tax returns submitted. This means 2013 saw an increase of 19%.
The number of tax returns filed online on Christmas Day itself also increased compared to 2012, albeit by a more modest 1%. 2012 saw 1,548 people submit their tax return online on Christmas Day, while 2013 saw 1,566 individuals take a break from the turkey and submit their financial details.
Only Boxing Day saw the numbers fall compared to December 2012. With 4,493 people filing online tax returns, the figure was 4% lower than Boxing Day a year before when 4,685 people submitted their information.