Accountant in Peterborough – always welcomes new enquires
Can we help your business this new 2011 year?
We are encouraged by the many new client enquiries generated by our firm’s website, but, by and far the largest number of new clients joining Stonehouse Accountants in Peterborough, are referred by word of mouth recommendation from our existing clients.
‘Accountancy Fees’ are rarely a concern, (prospective clients already know they will receive outstanding value for money) the main issue is:
- Will Stonehouse Accountants take on their self employed sole trader, subcontractor, partnership, charity or limited company business – they know the benefits they should receive should we agree to take them on
- Personal attention and confidentiality, always
- All inclusive annual accountancy fees agreed in advance payable by monthly standing order.
- A common sense, no fuss & nonsense plain English language approach to their business needs.
- A clear aim to ensure their business complies with HMRC Inland Revenue financial records and book-keeping, annual accounts and self assessment tax return requirements and, really, very effective best tax advice, advise and top business planning
- To achieve significant tax savings and business growth!
- As a small and thriving two partner firm with clients in many and various business sectors with annual turnovers ranging from £3000 to £8M…
As an Accountant in Peterborough, can we help your business this new year?
Please telephone the Peterborough office in the first instance and ask to talk with Frank Waller FCPA, on 01733 265888