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HM Revenue and Customs have confirmed the number of tax fraud convictions made in 2013. It has been revealed that almost 700 perpetrators of fraud where discovered and convicted. Tax Fraud Convictions Have Risen Since 2012 2012 saw only 477 successful convictions as a result of HMRC’s efforts to combat tax fraud. In 2013, this […]
The number of tax returns submitted over the three core days of the Christmas period has reached a record. The number has been rising for several years, and continued to do so in 2013. The busiest of the three days was Christmas Eve. Roughly 17,000 people chose the day before Christmas to submit an online […]
The Office of Tax Simplification has said that the rules surrounding employee expenses are a complex “minefield,” and said that they need to be updated. The rules in question have remained unchanged since the 1990s. For example, the OTS has highlighted the example of a restaurant bill. They have suggested it should simply be an […]
A number of big companies such as Starbucks and Amazon have recently attracted criticism for hugely underpaying UK tax. Now, it has been claimed by the Public Accounts Committee that HMRC tends to lose its nerve when pursuing such big businesses. In their report on HMRC’s annual accounts, the committee said that: “HMRC holds back […]
Micro-businesses have benefited from an extension to the deadline for compliance with real-time PAYE reporting (RTI) requirements. The deadline has now been pushed back to April 2016. Small businesses with more than 10 and up to 49 employees, meanwhile, have until April 2014 to begin sending information in real time. This deadline is also an […]
According to KPMG, the UK’s current tax climate is highly attractive to businesses and is in a good position for attracting large international corporations. However, the way tax issues are covered in the media are reducing the positive effect. These findings are based on data from KPMG’s annual tax competitiveness report. Respondents, when asked to […]
Following an HMRC consultation, it has been announced that paperless self-assessment may soon be introduced. Under this system, all communications from HMRC to taxpayers will take place through electronic methods rather than through the post. At present, only a quarter of communications that HMRC send to ten million self-assessment taxpayers in the UK can be […]
According to Nick Clegg, foreign investors who buy luxury London properties could face new taxes. The warning came with the approach of the Autumn Statement. According to Clegg, plans are currently under consideration by the government to introduce new taxes that would affect these investors. Specifically, the government are considering the introduction of new council […]
The Cayman Islands have signed an agreement to automatically exchange taxation information with the UK. This has made them the first British overseas territory to sign up to such an arrangement, though similar agreements have previously been made closer to home with Jersey and Guernsey. The signing of this agreement ends the use of the […]
It has emerged that 2012-2013 saw HMRC lose the largest number of staff in four years. 1697 staff left the tax body in the course of the financial year, which represents a small increase compared to 1629 the year before. These figures were unearthed by research from UHY Hacker Young, a top 20 firm. With […]