
Debate: How much tax should the wealthiest pay?

It’s an age-old debate both here in the UK and across the Atlantic. With the Labour conference ongoing in Manchester – and Ed Miliband claiming that only the richest individuals benefited from the new 45p rate – there seems to be scepticism as to whether this tax break actually results in more revenue overall.

Meanwhile, in the US, Romney is still trying to protect his full tax records over recent years from entering the public domain.

All in all, it’s worth remembering that when it comes to paying taxes, an accountant can provide you with invaluable support. Here at Peterborough Accountants, we ensure your contributions are at the correct levels, and any deductibles that pertain to your business are considered.

Here’s more of Ed Miliband’s comments to the BBC: “The real thing I think is wrong is you have a tax cut for 300,000 people at the top of society at the same time you are seeing their living standards squeezed.”