Peterborough new business start-ups are booming
Some points to consider for those who are considering starting up in self employment</strong rel=”nofollow”> or have recently started up in self employment</strong >… read more…
This kind of headline always looks familiar in times of retarded economic growth and extended recession leading into depression… as the nagging pain of job insecurity, shock of redundancies and hopeless lack of job opportunities becomes the new reality for many, who are or were PAYE employees, and drives some of them to desperate measures… even self employment!
Stonehouse Accountants Peterborough advice:
Be careful what you wish for… new business start-up and self employment</strong rel=”nofollow”> in our experience, is far from an easy option. Self employment is a different subculture entirely… and many of those starting-up a new self employed venture are often times operating in survival mode which should be best avoided.
Through many years of acting as accountants in Peterborough specialising in advising smaller business self employed clients and limited companies, it is always sobering to acknowledge that in our experience the self employed CIS subcontractor, sole trader, partnership or company director rarely achieve longer term security or even adequate (not comfortable or generous) private pensions that many in the PAYE employed or public employment sector once took for granted or in certain occupations still expect as their given right of employment.
Another observation Stonehouse Accountants would share with those thinking about getting into self employment is that
“a good idea”
“hard work”
“and a well intentioned desire to succeed”
Never, ever, were enough… and definitely do not guarantee success.
Stonehouse Accountants often find (and few others will spell out the obvious) that a well capitalised, well planned (ie financed and blessed with a shrewd accountant providing strong support) but perhaps “less than competent or natural business proprietor” will usually out-survive and out-perform a far harder working and highly skilled new business proprietor who is but poorly capitalised and won ‘t afford good accountancy advise.
It would be a fairytale to believe otherwise… and it goes without saying that all serious new business start-ups need to factor in pre-planning, capitalisation and strong accountancy support as must haves’ to stand a fighting chance of success in the medium term.
Stonehouse Accountants Peterborough are selective when taking on new business start-ups into our practice. Simply put, we need new business start-up clients to succeed first time every time. We fully appreciate only too well that we will have to invest a lot of our time into them and we’re just not the gambling type!
Experience counts every time!
I trust the above comments have given all those considering a new business start-up food for thought. If you are about to start or have recently started a new business or plan on new self employment this financial year then telephone Frank Waller FCPA on Peterborough 01733 – 265888 who will be pleased to see if he can help you succeed.